
Interested in becoming a catastrophe adjuster to help those affected by recent tornado outbreaks? Register for our free webinar.

  • Simple. One-stop.

    We offer an extensive course catalog with the largest selection of pre-licensing, exam prep, and continuing education courses. Saving you time and money.

  • Total Manager Tool Kit.

    Our interactive courses, white label customization, and excellent reporting and tracking tools provide a proven learning experience for your team.

  • Dedicated Support.

    The heartbeat of AdjusterPro is to help you succeed! Whether you are a fortune 500 company, small business, or somewhere in between, we've got you covered.

Next Level
Team Training.

“We built this company on service and to be able to take that to the next level with corporate clients is a fulfillment of our original dream in a way we never thought possible.”

Dan Kerr, Co-Founder

Our Corporate Case Study

  • 500 Fortune 500 Carrier

    The Challenge.

    Managing pre-licensing, exams, pass rates, applications, continuing education, and renewals for thousands of adjusters nationwide left one of the top 5 insurance carriers with a continual compliance headache. They had to employ multiple vendors to fulfill their training needs which created an administrative nightmare. And to make matters worse, their annual training costs were soaring.

  • 20+ Submissions To The RFP

    The Solution.

    Desperate for a national centralized licensing solution, this top 5 insurance carrier submitted a Request For Proposal. Upon evaluation of over 20 submissions, AdjusterPro became the clear choice. We were able to offer a comprehensive catalog of adjuster pre-licensing, exam prep, and continuing education courses in a co-branded, 100% online classroom. More than just a one-stop-shop for licensing and CE, this platform also offers managerial controls to view and track trends with students. And it provides a simple compliance solution as well – notifying adjusters when it’s time to start their CE or licensing renewal.

  • 19.7 Percent Cut From Prior Training Spend

    The Result.

    AdjusterPro saved this carrier countless man-hours and resources by centralizing and consolidating their licensing. And when they needed a few additional products we didn’t offer at that time, we committed to building the courses for them. Plus, our partnership has cut nearly 20% off their prior-year training spend. That’s tens of thousands of dollars every year.